Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dental Health unit...with a freebie!

Wow!  It has been a busy week!  Yesterday we celebrated Kansas' 152nd Birthday and then today my class celebrated the 100th day of school!  Two days in a row of fun activities that keep us from our normal routine...I am exhausted!  Tomorrow we start learning about Groundhog Day!  If you haven't picked up my Groundhog Freebie you can download it here.
Next week we learn about caring for our teeth!  I am excited to have my Dental Health unit complete!  It has some fun games and I always love it when kiddos are having so much fun that they don't even realize they are learning too!  Take a look at some of the activities in the unit:
A pocket chart activity of putting together sentences.  There is also a recording sheet to fill in the color words.

A fun activity of making letters using toothbrushes and smiles!  I can hardly wait to see my class doing this activity!  There is also a recording sheet to write down all the words that they made!

This is the recording sheet to the spin and tally game!  My kiddos are still struggling with making those tally marks!
To purchase the unit click on any of the pictures.

One of my favorite books to read during our study on dental health is Robert Munsch's Andrew's Loose Tooth.  I love having the kiddos make up their own funny way to get a tooth pulled out! 

Andrew's Loose Tooth

I have made a freebie of the writing page I use in my class.  If you would like to grab the freebie click  the picture below!
Enjoy!  If you download it please leave positive feedback at my store!  I would love to hear what ideas your class came up with!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. This article is really very effective and informative. I think its must be helpful for our health. Thanks for sharing your nice post about Dental Health unit...with a freebie .
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